
Showing posts with the label Agriculture

The End of The Regenerative Illusion?

Looking at Sewanee Natural Bridge, Tennessee

Geological Events Show the Difference Between Predicaments and Problems

Ludington North Breakwater Light

Accepting Our Lack of Agency

  An early morning picture at Black Rock Mountain State Park in Georgia

Is Hunting and Gathering Really Better Than Agriculture?

  Popcorn Overlook, Lake Burton, Georgia

Exploring Deeper Acceptance, Part Two

  Gum Gap Overlook, Grandview, Tennessee

Carbon Sinks Are Becoming Carbon Sources

Cliff View Park, Alto Pass, Illinois

External Change Can Only Come About From Internal Change

  Recently, I saw a comment from John Robin Strohl that really struck home, quote: " We are here for conversation, not conversion. " I see it the same way; that most everyone wants change, but nobody wants TO change. People are consistently looking for external change but don't seem to realize that external change can only come about from internal change. Another set of facts about change is equally important: Here's the thing...changing behavior isn't really as difficult as it may seem, but it does require a desire to change and the commitment to follow through. Most people really just don't want to convert (change), thinking that, "Why should I do it if I don't have to?" Most of my regular readers will understand that in reality, it isn't optional. If society doesn't change our collective behavior, then nature will force behavior change upon us and those who don't comply will perish. Of course, people are going to perish regardle...

Rationalizing, Storytelling, and Narrative-Generating Apes

  Falling Spring Falls, Falling Spring, Virginia

What Are GeoDestinies?

  Lover's Leap Overlook, Virginia

How Did We Get Here?

  The chairlift at Natural Tunnel State Park, Virginia

Feedback Loops and Unsustainable Systems

Mountains as seen from Tennessee Welcome Center

Myths About Hunter/Gatherers, Violence, and Outcomes

  Lake Juniper at Cheraw State Park, South Carolina

Aquifer Pumping and Land Subsidence

Green anole at Hoop Pole Creek Nature Trail, North Carolina  

Yeah, But What About Human Ingenuity?

  Trail at Bell Smith Springs in Southern Illinois

Defense Mechanisms and Technology Use

  Lake Murphysboro State Park, Illinois

Attention Span and The Role of Technology

One of the most incongruent messages I constantly hear about climate change is talk of "solutions" and how "we can do it" which doesn't really agree with the science much at all (see  Agency - Do We Have Free Will?  and The Grand Illusion  for details) . I've been hearing these same messages for 40 years now, and I keep asking myself that if we can do it, why haven't we?   In fact, just the other day, I saw a claim that "if we don't change direction within three years that climate change will become irreversible." I almost laughed, since climate change is ALREADY irreversible on human timescales and has been for quite some time as pointed out in my article, Denial of Reality, quote:  " Most people think that climate change can be "fixed" or reversed, but current science shows that climate change is  irreversible  on human timescales. Another article shows that this is due to  ocean heat uptake  (OHU). Another  recent study  ...

Let's Talk About Agriculture

An agricultural barn of the 1800's located at Falls Mill, Belvidere, Tennessee

What is "Surplus Energy"?


Does Climate Change Increase Earthquakes and Volcanic Activity?

  From top; Columbia Glacier, Mount Blackburn, Worthington Glacier, Matanuska Glacier

More Cognitive Dissonance, Part Two

  It is truly saddening to see so many articles which proclaim complete nonsense. The worst part is that so many people are culturally indoctrinated to the point where they cannot see through these false claims. In this particular one , the claim is made that we need to protect nature (true), quote:  " Our five breakthroughs for nature echo and expand upon those same themes, emphasizing the urgent need to transform our relationship to the natural world on which we ultimately all depend. In a nutshell, here is the handful of headline actions that we are advocating: We need to put nature at the heart of decision-making, with governments and the private sector held accountable for making nature a global priority. An annual investment of US$500 billion to protect and restore nature is a minimum requirement, with funding diverted from environmentally harmful activities into nature-positive initiatives. The communities and local organizations working on the front line of conservati...