
Showing posts with the label Extinction

The Psychology Behind the Misunderstanding of Predicaments

Round Barn in Indiana

Ecological Collapse Supersedes Financial Collapse

  Seven Pillars Nature Preserve

What is Radical Acceptance?

Lake Michigan as seen from Consumers Energy Scenic Overlook, Ludington, Michigan

Capitalism and Extinction

The lone boat on Lake Michigan at Sleeping Bear Dunes

Why is Our Lack of Agency Difficult to Accept?

  Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore

A Plea to Scientists, Teachers, Influencers, and Politicians Everywhere

Clover Hollow Covered Bridge, Virginia

The Biggest Issue is NOT Climate Change; it is OVERSHOOT

  Beartree Lake at Beartree Recreation Area

Carbon Sinks Are Becoming Carbon Sources

Cliff View Park, Alto Pass, Illinois

What is Latent Heat of Fusion?

  Artwork from Ken Avidor

What Are The Most Popular Forms of Hopium?

  Artwork by Ken Avidor

Why Do Today's Realities Escape Society?

  Philpott Lake, Virginia, as seen from the Visitor Center of Philpott Dam

What Are GeoDestinies?

  Lover's Leap Overlook, Virginia

Time for a Reality Check?

  A turkey vulture flying over Yatesville Lake in Kentucky

How Did We Get Here?

  The chairlift at Natural Tunnel State Park, Virginia

Why Do We Lack Agency and What Makes Humans Happy?

  Viking Mountain Overlook, Tennessee

Solutions, Outcomes, and Unsustainable Systems

  Lake Powhatan Swimming Beach, North Carolina

What Does Extinction Mean?

  Trail at Bell Smith Springs in Southern Illinois

Bargaining to Maintain Civilization

Happy Winter/Summer Solstice!! As anyone reading my articles often already knows, ecological overshoot is the master predicament causing many different symptom predicaments . I constantly see many people blaming emissions or greed or capitalism or governments or oil companies or fossil fuels (and on and on...) for causing climate change (or their favorite symptom predicament). Playing the blame game gets us nowhere though , and unfortunately, it is also far more complicated than that. Reducing emissions is a great idea (NOT a solution as noted below in the new paper from James Hansen), but it cannot be accomplished without reducing ecological overshoot because ecological overshoot is precisely what is CAUSING emissions. Ecological overshoot is caused by technology use , which means that it is being caused by our behavior . In order to reduce emissions, there is no other choice than to reduce technology use. This requires changing our behaviors. Most emissions historically have be...

The Iconic Book List

Taken at the Hagood Mill Historic Site, South Carolina When I started blogging the year before last, I never thought I would write so many articles. In fact, I started it more for the files section than for any articles, although I had written several articles over time in an effort to save myself time posting the same links over and over along with a description of what they meant. I never considered the possibility of writing more than a few articles. However, it became obvious to me that some people actually enjoyed reading my articles and even though I think that most of it is terribly depressing, I think it helps others to know that there are folks like me who understand many of the same things they do. I'm slowly going back to some of the things which woke me up a decade or more ago and eventually led to the knowledge I now have to share with others.  My journey began on Netflix, believe it or not. I am a curious guy who really enjoys documentaries, and Netflix was a newer s...

Our Impending Impasse and Sid Smith's New Series

Keowee Toxaway State Park, South Carolina