
The Evolution of My Thinking

  Douthat State Park Beach, Virginia

Why Is Society Still Mired in Mainstream Thinking?

  Eagle Rock Train Station, Eagle Rock, Virginia

External Change Can Only Come About From Internal Change

  Recently, I saw a comment from John Robin Strohl that really struck home, quote: " We are here for conversation, not conversion. " I see it the same way; that most everyone wants change, but nobody wants TO change. People are consistently looking for external change but don't seem to realize that external change can only come about from internal change. Another set of facts about change is equally important: Here's the thing...changing behavior isn't really as difficult as it may seem, but it does require a desire to change and the commitment to follow through. Most people really just don't want to convert (change), thinking that, "Why should I do it if I don't have to?" Most of my regular readers will understand that in reality, it isn't optional. If society doesn't change our collective behavior, then nature will force behavior change upon us and those who don't comply will perish. Of course, people are going to perish regardle

Rationalizing, Storytelling, and Narrative-Generating Apes

  Falling Spring Falls, Falling Spring, Virginia

What Does Lack of Universal Perspective From Society Imply?

  Buchanan, Virginia

Do You See Technology From a Complete Perspective?

  Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia

Why is Excessive Optimism Often Rewarded With a Reset of Reality?

  Fairy Stone State Park, Stuart, Virginia

Why Do Today's Realities Escape Society?

  Philpott Lake, Virginia, as seen from the Visitor Center of Philpott Dam

What Are GeoDestinies?

  Lover's Leap Overlook, Virginia

Why are "Solutions" Really Just Bargaining?

Flag Rock Recreation Area, Norton, Virginia

Time for a Reality Check?

  A turkey vulture flying over Yatesville Lake in Kentucky

Dave Gardner For President!

  Dave Gardner is going to run for President of the USA in 2024!   I've never been much into politics simply due to the fact that there are no political (or any other types) solutions to the predicaments we face. This is extremely difficult for most people to fathom, as denial of reality and optimism bias seem to rule the day with so many people who think technology or some other form of idolatry will save us. I also realize that reducing overshoot in the US might not have much effect around the rest of the world. As I've seen some people put it, so-called "solutions" are 4 or 5 decades too late. Still, I do see benefit in attempting to reduce the harm by reducing overshoot. Whether or not such attempts are successful are not as important as simply making the effort, in my mind. Of course, I've been made fun of for quite some time for this very stance, and yet it doesn't really bother me anymore. More often than not, the reasons folks laugh are because they

The Chief Cause of Problems is Solutions

  Coxhall Gardens, Carmel, Indiana


  Today, rather than just an article I wrote, I have an entire collection to share! For anyone who is interested in ecological overshoot, this has just been released: IT BEARS REPEATING: BEST OF…VOLUME 1 With a Foreword and Afterword by Michael Dowd, authors include: Max Wilbert; Tim Watkins; Mike Stasse; Dr. Bill Rees; Dr. Tim Morgan; Rob Mielcarski; Dr. Simon Michaux; Erik Michaels; Just Collapse’s Tristan Sykes & Dr. Kate Booth; Kevin Hester; Alice Friedemann; David Casey; and, Steve Bull. Follow the link in the title above to access the downloadable PDF. Enjoy!

What Are Self-Sufficient Communities and Why Are They More Hype Than Substance?

Some selected images from Pike Lake State Park