
Nuclear Power: Issues Regarding Ramping it up to Substitute Fossil Fuels

At first glance, my thoughts regarding this topic are that I've actually probably covered most of it in my very first blog post here.  However, I decided to try a new twist by asking members of a group I run what they'd like me to write about, and this was the first idea mentioned. There are particular angles of this topic which I have also covered here  under the topic of denial and here  under the topic of optimism bias. It is very important to cover the topic of psychology, because most people are affected in one way or another by predetermined beliefs and feelings based upon their worldview, upbringing, and schooling. No two people are going to agree 100% on everything; but utilizing logic, critical thinking, and consensus can minimize disagreements to a rather large extent. Before I go any further, I need to point out that I am NOT pro-fossil fuels. For some reason, some people have gotten the misguided notion that I am some sort of fossil fuel shill, which couldn't be

Optimism Bias

  What is it that leads to denial of reality and then subsequently in many cases, optimism bias? Recently, I have noticed a rather large increase in the number of posts and/or comments which are not based on reality and demonstrate a large amount of ignorance on a large number of topics. Is it just me or is this happening across the spectrum of groups that are based upon climate change and/or energy and resource decline? So, based on my curiosity, I decided to make posts asking about this scenario. The answers I received confirmed, that indeed, the same lines of thought that I figured are also responsible for the denial of reality and optimism bias I continue seeing in increasing amounts. As for whether or not a large increase is happening, please offer up YOUR observation in the comments section below! Among the topics this covers are the overwhelming subjects often found in news articles regarding new technology focusing on artificial intelligence, batteries, non-renewable "ren

Newly Updated Articles and "Bright Green Lies"


Denial of Reality

  In my last written post (to clarify the difference between the files, which contain only links to outside material), I mentioned denial of reality. You might wonder what this has to do with climate change and extinction. Cognitive dissonance is one of the most powerful mental issues that affects humans. Rob Mielcarski explains the evolution of how this came to be, quote: " The singular emergence of human intelligence, and its ability to write and read this paragraph, evolved in a gene controlled machine with an unusually powerful computer, that was created by an improbable simultaneous adaptation for an extended theory of mind with denial of reality, and whose complexity was enabled by the increased energy per gene provided by mitochondria, that resulted from an accidental endosymbiosis of two prokaryotes, powered by an unintuitive chemiosmotic proton pump, that originated in an alkaline hydrothermal vent, on 1 of 40 billion planets, in 1 of 100 billion galaxies, and that plane

Invasive Species

  Relationship between two natural enemies of brown marmorated stink bug pest Invasive species 'hitchhiking' on tourist and research ships threaten Antarctica's unique ecosystems Study shows most efficient ways to capture invasive lionfish Climate change, invasive species found to drive native trout declines Robots use fear to fight invasive fish Global loss of floristic uniqueness due to spread of alien plants Nonnative fish released into lakes and rivers thrive in Florida, alter ecosystem Prairies facing ecological disaster from uncontrolled spread of wild pigs Invasive ants can threaten ecosystems by damaging plants at the roots Taiwan rushes to contain sudden cane toad invasion Stemming the tide of invasive weeds with world-first herbicide capsules How we found a way to track alien marine species along South Africa's coast Surveys show horseweed is a persistent and unpredictable foe in soybean crops Invasive species are threatening Antarctica's fragile ecosystem